Register for AEAS Testing

AEAS testing is available in major cities all around the world

Testing is held on a regular basis in many locations, with individual arrangements possible in cities where AEAS does not have a permanent test venue.

Test dates are updated regularly. Check the test schedule in your country or city to see available dates.

Registrations for testing must be made online and our testing Terms and Conditions must be acknowledged before registration can be completed.  CLICK HERE to read.


How do I register for the AEAS test?


Select your country

Select your country and city from the dropdown menu. Go to the page to check available test dates and to confirm test arrangements in your preferred country of testing.


Select your test date

Select your preferred test date and complete the test registration form, including student and parent details, current academic year level and year level applying for. Upload a passport sized photo and then submit.


Pay and confirm

Follow the instructions to pay the AEAS test fee online. Once payment has been confirmed you will receive an email confirming your test registration. This email lists the test location and must be taken to testing on the day.

Need some help with your registration?